Read Around North America Challenge

Read at least one book by an author from each country in North America.

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Best books from North America (1071)

La Isla de Cuba: twaalf verhalen en een revolutie by various NL

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Twaalf verhalen en een Revolutie is een bloemlezing waarin de veranderingen op het eiland vanuit verschillende hoeken worden belicht. Het zijn verhalen van schrijvers die na 1970 zijn geboren, midden in de dogmatische jaren van de Cubaanse Revolutie toen het bijna niet mogelijk was om alternatieve politieke geluiden te laten horen. In deze twaalf verhalen laten de schrijvers dat geluid nu wel horen. Een belangrijk element in deze bundel is ironie. Sommige schrijvers steken bijvoorbeeld de draak met nationale helden. En het openingsverhaal 'Vlees' vertelt het bizarre avontuur van twe... continue


Máscaras by Leonardo Padura ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
En la tupida arboleda del Bosque de La Habana aparece un 6 de agosto, el día en que la Iglesia celebra la transfiguración de Jesús, el cuerpo de un travestí con el lazo de seda roja de la muerte aún al cuello. Para mayor zozobra del Conde –el policía encargado de la investigación–, aquella mujer «sin los beneficios de la naturaleza», vestida de rojo, resulta ser Alexis Arayán, hijo de un respetado diplomático del régimen cubano. La investigación se inicia con la visita del Conde al impresionante personaje del Marqués, hombre de letras y de teatro, homosexual desterrado en su propia tierra en u... continue


Worm : A Cuban American Odyssey by Edel Rodriguez EN

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
From “America’s illustrator in chief” (Fast Company), a stunning graphic memoir of a childhood in Cuba, coming to America on the Mariel boatlift, and a defense of democracy, here and there Hailed for his iconic art on the cover of Time and on jumbotrons around the world, Edel Rodriguez is among the most prominent political artists of our age. Now for the first time, he draws his own life, revisiting his childhood in Cuba and his family’s passage on the infamous Mariel boatlift. When Edel was nine, Fidel Castro announced his surprising decision to let 125,000 traitors of the revolution, or “wor... continue


Los pasos perdidos by Alejo Carpentier ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Buscar la utopia es querer encontrar el paraiso, y viceversa. Alejo Carpentier lo intentó por medio de un riquisimo lenguaje, de la naturaleza exuberante. Los pasos perdidos es un descenso a las raices, una travesía cargada de símbolos y de un a ancestral tradición cultural. Esta novela, escrita narra un viaje de vuelta: el protagonista, musicólogo, emprende una expedición al país de su infancia en busca de instrumentos musicales primitivos, al mismo tiempo, es una fuga: huye de un trabajo sinsentido, de una sociedad corrompida.


El reino de este mundo by Alejo Carpentier ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Una de las obras maestras del escritor cubano, El reino de este mundo narra, a través de la voz del esclavo negro Ti Noël, el tránsito que sufrió Haití al pasar a convertirse, de colonia francesa gobernada por blancos, en una nación negra regida por el primer monarca coronado del Nuevo Mundo. En una atmósfera lujuriosa y sensual que delata el barroquismo y el realismo mágico de su autor, este relato nos permite conocer las rebeliones de Mackandal, las aventuras de Pauline Bonaparte, así como la tiranía del rey negro Henri Christophe. [Resumen extraído de].


La tribu : retratos de Cuba by Carlos Manuel Álvarez ES

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Engrossing essays by talented Cuban writer about people of that island and their daily lives between 2014 and 2016. Covers period from resumption of diplomatic relations with US to death of Fidel Castro. Offers intimate portraits of many Cubans who lived through revolution--dancers, poets, mothers, baseball players--comprising snapshot of nation on verge of great change.


Havana Year Zero by Karla Suarez EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
It was as if we’d reached the minimum critical point of a mathematical curve. Imagine a parabola. Zero point down, at the bottom of an abyss. That’s how low we sank. The year is 1993. Cuba is at the height of the Special Period, a widespread economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet bloc. For Julia, a mathematics lecturer who hates teaching, Havana is at Year Zero: the lowest possible point, going nowhere. Desperate to seize control of her life, Julia teams up with her colleague and former lover, Euclid, to seek out a document that proves the telephone was invented... continue


Before Night Falls by Reynaldo Arenas EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Reinaldo Arenas was born to a poverty-stricken family in rural Cuba. By the time of his death in New York four decades later, he had become one of Cuba's most important poets, an outspoken critic of Castro's regime and one of the leading gay voices of the twentieth century. In Before Night Falls, Arenas tells of his odyssey from young rebel fighting for the Revolution, through his suppression as a writer, his disillusionment with Castro, his imprisonment and torture, to his eventual exile from Cuba to New York, where in 1987 he was diagnosed with AIDS. He committed suicide in 1990, ending a li... continue


Faith Among Shadows by Malcolm Leal EN

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
Lying face down on the muddy jungle floor, with the taste of his own blood in his mouth, all Malcolm Leal could do was call upon the God of his great-grandmother. Florencia Martinez Hernandez raised Malcolm as her own son in a small fishing village on the northern coast of Cuba. Teaching Malcolm wisdom gleaned from the worn pages of her century-old Bible, Florencia spoke of a temple "promised to all people" and that there were men on earth who "walked with God." Most importantly, she taught him to rely on "her" God for everything. While on assignment for the Cuban Special Forces in the dense r... continue


Broken Paradise : A Novel by Cecilia Samartin EN

0 Ratings
Country: North America / Cuba flag Cuba
In the spirit of "The Kite Runner," this shimmering literary debut traces thepath of two cousins--one who left Cuba at the brink of revolution and the onewho stayed behind.